
Works by boremachine

Wood by boremachine, Photography->Architecture gallery Small DOF by boremachine, Photography->Nature gallery Glad to see US go by boremachine, Photography->Fireworks gallery
Wood Small DOF Glad to see US go
Lil' Poser by boremachine, Photography->Animals gallery Run by boremachine, Photography->Animals gallery Concrete Metal by boremachine, Photography->Landscape gallery
Lil' Poser Run Concrete Metal
Butterfly by boremachine, photography->manipulation gallery Sonnwendjoch 2 [HDR] by boremachine, Photography->Mountains gallery A Day At The Lake by boremachine, Photography->Shorelines gallery
Butterfly Sonnwendjoch 2 [HDR] A Day At The Lake
Steve's Pulpit by boremachine, Photography->Places of worship gallery St Stephen's - The Tower 4 by boremachine, Photography->Places of worship gallery Strange Light by boremachine, Photography->Mountains gallery
Steve's Pulpit St Stephen's - The Tower 4 Strange Light