
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> The Voting System

The Voting System

09/05/06 9:51 PM GMT
Let me first begin by saying I love coming to this place. I enjoy each and every one of my friends and love viewing and seeing thier works of art.Thank you Guys!

I thought about this for a while and debated on whether to say anything about it or not.

I am a bit confused and a bit upset about this matter.

I have a few questions about the voting system. I had an observation that makes absolutely no sense at all whatsoever.

I had an image I posted on the weekend - Juliet, that on Mon morning it had a score of 90 with 7 votes. This totally thrilled me.

On Monday night it had a score of 88 with 14 votes. I was still thrilled .Now once again that is 14 votes.
This morning(Tues) it had a score of 88 with 14 votes. It still had once again 14 votes.

At lunch time it had the same amount of votes, which was 14 and now there is a score of 79

I see again this eavening the score is 79 and the votes are at 14.

What gives with that? This makes absolutlely no sense at all whatsoever.

How can something with 14 votes have the score drop and the vote count has not changed? I know that is a good question ..

Anyone care to enlighten me. This will no doubt get me kicked out of here for asking this and have everyone peeved but please do not be. I know that this place is more that the voting system for sure. It is my friends that keep me here.

0∈ [?]
You do not have to thank me if I leave a comment on your image...unless you really want to. ..It is my pleasure to comment on your beautiful work.


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