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Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Water Molecule

Water Molecule

09/18/06 3:51 AM GMT
Ok ok, i WANT to make a model of a water molecule...but i have 1 small problem

WHAT IS the diameter of the electron cloud of hydrogen and oxygen. This is all i will need right? other than knowing that the 2 hydrogen atoms are 104.45 degrees apart at a distance of 95.84pm.

So, um, do i look for atomic radius, atomic radius calculated, covalent radius, or vander waals radius...obviously in MY chem class we did atomic radius and that was that...

obviously if i use the atomic radius of hydrogen which is 25pm (so that would be 50pm in diameter), and the atomic diameter of oxygen which is 120pm, the electron clouds dont even touch...which i do believe they should.

This is what i've done in my bryce little thing:

1) 7.575 in the X direction, and 5.8708 in the Y direction for the H atom. -7.575 in the X for the other H.
2) Made the size of the H spheres 5.0
3) Made the size of the O sphere 12.0
4) ...they do not touch!?!?

Um, thanks for helping in advance.
0∈ [?]


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