
Request for Comment

Discussion Board -> Request for Comment -> Advice requested

Advice requested

06/08/07 3:10 AM GMT
I have disappointing vote results for these two images A Window . . . (49 ) and I See Skies . . . (51) and would appreciate any suggestions as to how I may have improved them, and where they fail to impress. Both these shots I took some time over composition with wallpaper in mind, and spent time adding frames. Perhaps the frames are their downfall? perhaps they are just bad pictures. Please tell me ! :)
I am not questioning the C-index results, rather trying to learn from them. My expectations were obviously too high, but I thought they may have scraped in at round about 60. Am I in cloud cuckoo land ?
0∈ [?]
The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust


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