
Request for Comment

Discussion Board -> Request for Comment -> Vote Numbers

Vote Numbers

06/27/07 3:17 PM GMT
I am wondering why there is such a discrepancy in the numbers of votes received by different images. Some of mine reach 20/21 in a very short time and others stop at 16/17, when they are archived. I have just had 12 pictures archived all with scores of 79- 84 (which does not make me smile) and some of these have only reached this lower number of votes.

I would appreciate any opinions on This One which I thought had a good chance of permanent status.It received 16 votes. I would genuinely appreciate any thoughts as to why it failed.

There are others, but I have chosen this one to ask about because it is not a flower.
As for flowers I have poorer images in the permanent gallery than those recently dismissed.

Moan over :) :)
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The question is not what you look at, but what you see ~ Marcel Proust


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