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Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Hall of Fame: Results & Final Plan

Hall of Fame: Results & Final Plan

07/03/04 3:57 PM GMT
Hall of Fame Outline

With overwhelming support for the establishment of a “Hall of Fame” gallery on, the following plan has been formulated with the consensus of 15 members through a survey:

The Hall of Fame will induct 24 images each year (87% agreement) and will begin in this month of July with 12 starter images. 2 images will be inducted on a monthly basis beginning this July.

Members of the Caedes Cadre will form the core of the Hall of Fame committee, and have the following rights: their images are eligible for induction, they are able to both nominate and second images to be inducted, and they are present on the voting committee. Non-Cadre members will have all of those rights save the ability to second nominations.

The committee will consist of 21 members (67% agreement) who will serve 3-month terms (slim majority agreement). The motion to include all image moderators in the committee fails (8-7 disagreement), but the members will be selected by Caedes and the moderators, and may include moderators, as they are also members.

The requirements for inducted images include: must be at least 9 months old (87% agreement), must have at least 500 downloads (67% agreement). The motion to institute a minimum c-index value fails. It is the goal of the committee to select images of the highest quality that demonstrate originality, technical achievement, and master artisanship. May include images that were forerunners of a style or popularized a technique. The committee will keep in mind at all times the variety of work on and attempt to reflect that variety.
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