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Acceptance is a thing of the past

11/02/04 7:06 PM GMT
i'm concerned with the nature of the political game lately. have we ever had another moment in history (ignoring 2000 election) where the candidates have contested and brought about legal battle over the results? the loser can't just accept that he lost? rather than drag the race out to exhaust all resources in hopes of exploiting errors or other issues?.. i have a strong feeling that we are going to have another jejune battle over the presidency.. i strongly feel that the loser, whether it be the candidate of choice or not, should step away and accept his fate. bush might have been a little better liked if he didn't act like a selfish little rich boy who gets his way. i'm sorry, but if you don't win the big fuzzy ape at the carnival, then don't take the carnies to court over who should get the prize.. accept it, you suck at throwing those little rings at the fishbowls.
0∈ [?]
Somethings are just.. Wonderful


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