
Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc.

Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> Architectural shot advice needed

Architectural shot advice needed

11/06/04 10:54 AM GMT
Before I delete the last shot I submitted I'd like to get some constructive critique on it. (I did receive some nice comments earlier but that does not help me to understand what my apparent failure is though. (Thanks go out to those who took time to vote though. ^_^ I's not always one get as many clear vote as quickly as I got here.)

I'm not doing much architectural shots so I guess I need some pointers. I've already guessed as much that it's probably too dark for most people. Is there anything besides this that I need to think of?

[Edit:] Sorry I forgot to include the link to the image. Here we go:

It's called "Study in Perspective"
0∈ [?]


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