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Is there anything I can do?

11/21/04 8:46 PM GMT
Hi - i'll tell you my problem then hopefully someone will have an answer. I bought an Archos AV340 MP3 Player from Dixons store in Belfast for £600 and was happy - so happy I then ordered £400 worth of accessories from the archos website (3.3 camera attachment, remote control etc.) One year later my machine packs in (always happens don't know why I keep buying them) I took it back to Dixons and they said that not only did they have my machine anymore - they don't have an MP3 Player worth the same value - the most expensive one they have is the newer version of mine which is £350 so I would have been out £250, but all credit to Dixons they said that they would let me pick something up to the value - happy enough so far - but then I go on to the Web and check out my new toy - low and behold it is not compatible with any of my extras so i'm out £400 - now i'm not so happy - I love my music and listen to it all the time - I had to save for ages to get all this and I really don't want to lose all that money. I'm pretty sure I don't have a leg to stand on but if anyone knows of a way to get even some of my money for the extras then i'd be much abliged.

Thanx in advance
0∈ [?]
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