
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> C-Index


01/05/12 11:11 PM GMT
I have been a regular (meaning continuous without long breaks in between) user/member of Caedes now for over 5 years. Caedes has provided me with a wonderful hobby for which I am very grateful. The C-Index was always a helpful scale for me (even if it was at times unfair) to judge the quality of my images. Now I am actually at a loss with no-one and no scale to tell me how good or bad my images are. My own well meaning friends - bless them - will always tell me how nice the images are but real critique will be there only rarely.

Therefore my request to Caedes and the moderators is this : Because a handful of people complained about the unfairness of the C-Index system you got rid of it completely. Wouldn't it have been a better idea to ask all of us whether we wanted the C-Index or not? Those who did not want it anyway had the choice of keeping their images out of it. My suggestion is this : Ask all Caedes users if they want the C-Index to be re-introduced. Let us say that only those who have been members for at least 6 months/1 year will be eligible to vote. If the "yes" votes are more than the "no" votes then the system will be re-introduced and further complaints will be ignored in future. How is that?
9∈ [?]
Smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.


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