
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> Tired of Photography or Wallpaper?

Tired of Photography or Wallpaper?

10/06/12 10:29 PM GMT
I have noticed that there is a decline in interest. Because I do not take general statements as a finished fact, I had to ask myself "decline in interest of which? wallpaper or photography?" Gosh how boring my life must have become, if I wish to worry about stuff like this. But because I am an well aged individual, I cant keep my thoughts to myself. So I will share them with you lucky hobbyists.

I noticed that over time, there are always new pictures posted. Sometimes not as many as years ago, and sometimes more than years ago. So I think I am safe to assume that interest in Photography, is strong.

I then look at the comments and discussion activity, and have noticed a decline. Does this mean that photographers have nothing to say. Are they arrogant and only comment on their favorite style or technique? I dont think so!

I think that there are more individuals than ever who have discovered that photography is a fun and quick resulting activity, that they can use in their daily events. There is no longer a need for experience in chemicals, darkroom, equipment, and or talent. Anyone can take a picture and they do. And of course they wish to share their creations with everyone.

Why the lack of comments then? one would think with this many new people posting pictures, there would be lots of discussion on style, technique or software. Maybe there is no discussion because there is so many postings, that we feel like we have BEEN THRU THIS BEFORE.

I have to confess that when I look thru the new images, I look for something unique and different. There are so many good images, that I am only interested in outstanding images.

I believe that there are two brains at work when a picture is taken. One brain is in the camera, and completes the technical tasks very well. The other brain is outside the camera, pushing a button. Most of the time NOT communicating with the brain inside the camera. This type of activity generates good, but Dull, Dull, Dull pictures. I am inclined to believe that this is why there is so little discussion.

Oh Rats! In proof reading my comments, I realized I forgot to answer my own question, Wallpaper is so easy to produce that almost anyone with little or no experience can create custom wallpaper. Notice I didnt say create good wallpaper! So I am inclined to believe that interest in photography is Hi - interest in wallpaper is in decline. Notice how diplomatic my choice of words was (decline) compared to LOW!

I could ramble on some more, but the boss has declared that Dinner is Ready!

I hope as you read this, you think about your own activities, and maybe create some interest by posting your thoughts.

The Boss must have purchased more stuff that we dont need, or she wishes to put some excitement into our marriage. Mmmmm! she made, meatloaf and mashed potatoes. My favorite!
2∈ [?]


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