

Discussion Board -> Photography -> The Windows to Mac Blues

The Windows to Mac Blues

11/29/15 5:52 AM GMT
Greetings friends. While I am commenting on your uploads, I am temporarily out of commission after switching from Windows to Mac. I bought the big 5K 27" iMac specifically for photography. Oh, what have I done? I was expecting a learning curve and I'm rather well versed in computer stuff, but this is crazy. I transferred my images that were backed up on an external drive and they all appear in Apple's Photos, though I can't access them with any of the Adobe and other editing programs. I've been searching for days to find a solution, though no luck yet. I'd appreciate any help or suggestions you might have.
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Smile, without a reason why. Love, as if you were a child, Smile, no matter what they tell you Don't listen to a word they say Cause life is beautiful that way. (From the film "Life Is Beautiful")


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