
Feature Bloat / Bug Squash

Discussion Board -> Feature Bloat / Bug Squash -> A Quagmire Contest

A Quagmire Contest

01/04/20 3:57 PM GMT
Okay, here is the topic which won for the contest starting Saturday, January 4, 2020:

Best Personal Photo/Drawing/Fractal of 2019. Let each member resubmit their personal favorite of the past year.

Here is the problem:

Accepting entries until 01/24/20 5:15 ( 19 days )
You must be logged in and have and have uploaded an image since the contest topic was chosen in order to enter the contest.

How do we enter the contest with our personal favorite of the past year when the image can only be used if it was uploaded after the start of the contest on 01/04/2020????

2∈ [?]


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