

Discussion Board -> Photography -> Problems with light levels...

Problems with light levels...

09/11/05 10:41 PM GMT
Hello chaps. I was wondering if you could give me some help when it comes to shooting land with sky.... My problem, is that when I want get the sky matched to a similar light level/brightness on the preview LCD screen, and have roughly half the photo with land (and half sky), the land becomes too dim, and when I tilt the camera down to get more land (and get the right colour and light levels for it), the sky becomes too white instead of blue and the edges of the trees on the landscape are not clearly defined and are sort of cut off. I've read my manual cover to cover, but I can't seem to find a way without compromising one or the other, so fiddling with the exposure manually works for the entire view not for half the screen etc. I use a Canon Digital Ixus 500 , 5megapixel camera (full quality settings)
0∈ [?]


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