
Non-art Website Issues

Discussion Board -> Non-art Website Issues -> Clearing the air

Clearing the air

09/21/05 11:46 PM GMT
Unless you've been vacationing on mars for the last few weeks you'll be aware that there has been a fair bit of tension on caedes recently. Unfortunately when passionate people and a passionate subject collide there can be casualties and things have got a bit out of hand on occasion. I doubt there is anyone on this earth who can honestly claim they have never said or done anything in their life that they wished they could change; to err is human... the important thing is to put it behind us and move on to better things. BTW this doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your opinion; but perhaps it might be a good idea to try to make amends. I'll start... I know I have upset some people recently and I sincerely regret this. I really can't think of anyone who is active on caedes right now who I don't respect, both artistically and personally. I really enjoy all the discussions we have here, the comments I get on my work, the silly games we all play in the forums etc. It would make me sad to think that I might not enjoy these activities with some people just because of a miscommunication or because I got too worked up during a debate. I have said some things that didn't seem to me to be insensitive at the time, but I realise now that they were hurtful and I apologise.

If you would like to contribute anything here please feel free. No debating c-indexes or voting or whatever though please, there are other places for that. Please also don't feel that you are obligated to put something here; only post if you think it might make YOU feel better about yourself not because of what others might think. Perhaps you would prefer to communicate by personal message. I didin't put this here to start anything, I just thought I would feel better if I cleared the air and maybe someone else might too. Thanks all!
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