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Discussion Board -> Desktop Wallpaper, Art, etc. -> How Do I Use Apophysois?

How Do I Use Apophysois?

12/09/05 9:04 PM GMT
i just got the program and i'm a little stumped. i have been finding little things here and there but i still don't really understand. what exactly do those little triangles in the editor do? what are they for? why does the number of them change? how do i use the script editor? are there commands or something i could learn? how do i do anything? ive messed around with the mutation thing a lot but i can't really do anything specific. i understand its not like a program where you visualize something and make it, more like 'chance' or something. if anyone could help me out learning this program from the ground up, it would be at least a help to have some launch pad for me to go off.
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