
  Life & Death  

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Uploaded: 07/12/12 2:20 PM GMT
Life & Death
Views: 1694
Dlds: 130
Status: active

A Nutria Rat jumps in Mid Air to try and avoid the Jaws of Death to no avail. This 8 Foot Alligator was far to quick for the likes of this rodent. Pardon the slight blur in the mouth an head area of the Gator. Camera was not set on Shutter Speed at the time I captured this event. Although I find the slight blur adds motion to the image by showing just how fast these modern day dragons can be. If you look at the head you can see it is shifted to it's left side and the short legs are beginning to stretch upwards. All in the same motion, once the Gator had clamped it's jaws down on the rat it continued to rotate to it's left in what's known as the Death Roll. The shift of the head from one side or the other also allows the Gator to view it's prey better than a straight on view. I shot a sequence of this event starting with the rat face to face with the Gator to it being draged off to the Gators lair. My entry into the Contest. Have A Great Day! E J


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