
  Black Throated Green Warbler  

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Uploaded: 11/22/10 8:11 AM GMT
Black Throated Green Warbler
Views: 547
Dlds: 40
Status: active

Or at least it had better be a black throated green warbler. Otherwise I could have saved a lot of typing by simply calling it "Bird on a Limb", though technically that is more of a small branch or a twig even. Is there even a difference between a limb, a branch and a twig? After all the limb of a 3 ft oak is a mere twig of a 30 ft oak.

A bit of an unseasonable image, at least where I'm located. If you happen to be enjoying warm weather with lots of green foliage, please spread some of the warmth my way. I dredged this image up from the bin. Shot sometime over the summer of an infrequent visitor to the backyard. I ended up rotating this image 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the way it was shot. I can't remember holding the camera at an odd angle to get the photo, but it just didn't look right presented on it's side.

It appears I'm rambling on again about nothing, as opposed to rambling on about something, like that is ever going to happen. So enjoy the photo and your comments are welcomed.


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