
  Front Row Seat  

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Uploaded: 08/16/11 12:31 AM GMT
Front Row Seat
Views: 491
Dlds: 41
Status: active

I was going to post different photo then realized I had already posted it months ago. I should keep better track of things instead of dumping all the finished edits in one folder. It's like my memory is going like that cheese with all the holes in it. You know the stuff that mice have mined their way through. Which might explain those late night muffled explosions coming from the fridge. But that has nothing to do with this photo; does it?

This particular photo was shot and re-shot and re-shot again numerous times from various angles and settings trying to get something interesting. In some of the shots the bench would wander off to the far right side of the frame. I finally had to nail it down to get this photo. There's a photo there some place. This may not be it.

This was shot at Victoria Park in Truro, NS. Part of the reason for the numerous re-shots was waiting for people to get out of the way. The major thoroughfare in the park runs right through the scene. And no matter how hard I insisted people persisted in coming and going in both directions, with the odd dawdler who would indulge in taking in the sights. How rude!

Enjoy and your comments welcomed.

P.S. Just to drive certain people crazy, the photo is not level. You know who you are.


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