
  New Annan  

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Uploaded: 09/29/12 2:47 AM GMT
New Annan
Views: 445
Dlds: 25
Status: active

I must confess I have no idea where the old Annan is, but a quick online search insists it's in Scotland. In any event someone decided they needed a new one even though they already had a perfectly good one that seems comfortably broken in if not downright homey. And is if one New Annan wasn't enough they actually made a backup copy across the Strait on the Island. What is really weird is that there is a West New Annan and a Central New Annan but East New Annan fell off the map or got lost in the forest.

I was forced to take in this vista for the past three days while working. I finally decided today would be a good day to photograph it seeing as it was the only day it didn't rain and I was finished working in the area and had no idea when or if I'd return. So I tried one of them panarami thingamabobs and stapled a few shots or so together and decided to share the misery of climbing a steep hill strewn with tree carcasses to get the shot.

Enjoy and your comments welcomed.


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