
  A Random Hill Scene  

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Uploaded: 09/30/12 3:07 AM GMT
A Random Hill Scene
Views: 355
Dlds: 29
Status: active

It was there and for the lack of any thing better to do I snapped a few shots of it. If it wasn't for the fact that I had no choice but to take a 20 minute hike around it to find a co-worker I would have never have known it was here even if I was unknowingly working at the top of the hill from the other side. I would have gone over the hill to get to the other side as it were, except the other other side was rather disinclined to being traversed in any manner outside of a straight out tumble over the side and try not to break anything on the way down if you're lucky enough to reach the bottom without unwittingly becoming a treehugger during your brief journey. So instead I took the long way around the obstacle in my path which in the end proved to take the shortest amount of time.

Enjoy and your comments welcomed.


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