
  A Face in the Crowd  

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Uploaded: 08/12/13 3:20 AM GMT
A Face in the Crowd
Views: 1189
Dlds: 25
Status: active

It all started with a flash of white. Luckily there are no albino bears in the region and contrary to popular opinion it's much too warm for polar bears in this part of the country. With that little bit of knowledge the chase began. And by chase I mean taking a good five minutes to cross 10 feet of graveled, hard packed trail trying to make as little noise as possible. Finally and painstakingly I got into position and the waiting game commenced. Which way would she go? If she moved away the game was over and it would be a long walk to the showers or even a mud hole to take a sponge bath. She of course got curious and decided to move closer. Well now the sweet talking began, laying on all the charm to coax her out of hiding. While waiting for that moment a few shots were snapped. The moment was almost ruined with the snap of the shutter. She reared away uncertain of the new sound. More waiting commenced and then she shyly advanced once more. Note to self, put the camera in silent mode when shooting wildlife, or put a new muffler on it. Now the only thing that would ruin this would be to have someone wander down the trail making noise to rival those tap-dancing elephants of lore. Or worse one of those Rover-needs-his-exercise dog walkers. Things got worse. So this is one of the few shots I got.

Enjoy and your comments welcomed.


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