
  End of the Trail  

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Uploaded: 08/02/14 1:52 AM GMT
End of the Trail
Views: 1044
Dlds: 389
Status: active

This is as far as I would go. The trail ended here and beyond was the great wide open. The unknown was out there and I was having none of it. In here was the safety of the forest. Certainly there were rogue trees that occasionally took it upon themselves to fall when no one was around to verify the fact and hear their cries of anguish. Sure there were bears doing unsanitary things in the bushes. And I'm pretty sure I just heard something rustling in the undergrowth. But at least there was no hot sun beating down in here. This meant I had no choice but to turn around and go back the way I had come. Re-climb those arduous hills and ford streams to get to where the trail has started.

Enjoy and your comments welcomed.


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