
  Curves - Collapsing Static Void  

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Uploaded: 08/26/08 8:08 PM GMT
Curves - Collapsing Static Void
Views: 1978
Dlds: 242
Status: active

I haven't done an Apophysis piece in a while and I couldn't get this idea out of my head. It seemed a good submission for the Curves contest Les has going. However, can a "wave" such as this electrical energy be considered a "curve" also. I think so. You can't have a wave without a curve in there now, can you? The question really is; "At what point on a curve does it become a wave?" I would have to say that it changes at the point which the curve changes directions. So, is it a series of curves then? Yep. Does this constitute more than one submission? Well sure, there are several curves, but only one upload ;) But wait!!! The contest is "Curves"... plural... nevermind. Enjoy. Apophysis/CS2 -Mike "Uncle BB"


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