
  '57 Cadillac  

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Uploaded: 01/12/15 6:51 PM GMT
'57 Cadillac
Views: 558
Dlds: 276
Status: active

So, I have news as well. You may have noticed my absence from the site recently and that would be an astute observation on your part. This is my last post for a long long time.............most likely for good:) I have had a wonderful experience here and I love all my friends I have "met" here at Caedes!!!! So why am I leaving? Burned out?? Burned up?:) Just burned???? Not totally:) It's more complicated than all that but I want to say goodbye on a good note and what better way then an old "caddi" picture.I came across this in Oakland the other day and had to share it. Take care my friends and I occasionally will be visiting incognito checking out your post's but I will not be posting again as far as I know:) With great affection I bid you a fondue....oops, what was I thinking; I mean a fond adieu!!!!!!!!!


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