
  The Creepley Sisters - Livin' Large  

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Uploaded: 02/19/13 1:03 AM GMT
The Creepley Sisters - Livin' Large
Views: 595
Dlds: 15
Status: active

...They're just two farm girls...sort of...

Great-Great Granddaughters of Jeddidiah B. Creepley, founder of both Creepley Junction (in the southern rural section of Mess County - see map - Wasn't much to it then, and STILL isn't now), and the Creepley Poultry Farm, where many a hungry eater can still get an honest to goodness old-fashioned farm raised, non-chemically-enhanced fryer or roastin' chicken (or turkey) for their Sunday or holiday table, provided one takes the drive (they don't do deliveries)...The place is always packed, regardless...

Farm life tends to get ve-r-r-r-y bo-r-r-r-ing for the twins, so when the weekend comes, and the chores (The two of them actually manage the entire operation now that their father, Jerimiah Creepley is in retirement) are done and the shop is shut for the day...Jacquie and Jocie throw on something alluring, crank up the customized 4WD pickup, and head out to wherever the road may take them...They don't stay out too late, or get overly wild however, as the chicken mill never stops a-cluckin'...

...I actually started work on this version before I shifted gears and did the modifications for the Valentine's Day Post...

See Also: Countess Madalaine...


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