
  St Bathans Old Timer #2  

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Uploaded: 03/17/12 12:04 AM GMT
St Bathans Old Timer #2
Views: 461
Dlds: 48
Status: active

Another dwelling on Downs Road, St Bathans, New Zealand. Info on location in my Previous post
I discovered a little about this cottage. First owners in 1900 were a pensioner couple, Mr & Mrs Eagle and in the 1930's it became the home of Don Sutherland who had moved to St Bathans for his health. He had TB and the area had a reputation for 'miracle cures' due to the pure air.
Don was a keen gardener and had a quick temper. He worked as a shearers cook and had many political arguments on the drives to the sheds. Apparently one day he jumped off the truck, walked home, returned with his shotgun and suddenly his opinions were respected.
His other claim to fame was a burnt bum. He was a heavy smoker despite his health problems. One day riding his horse Geordie, he flicked a cigarette butt behind him and it landed in a sackcloth carrier bag behind the saddle, setting it on fire. The horse bolted but was unharmed and Don's backside was scarred for life. He rests in the St Bathans cemetery.
I always try my images on my own desktop and this one stayed a bit longer than usual. With a little knowledge about its past owner it seems to have more character. I guess Don would have planted those apple trees and I wonder if he too painted his gate and front door to match their rosy red.
Taken with Canon 450D, processed in PSP and again a touch of Topaz Simplify to finish. Thank you for taking the time to look. Comments/opinions always very welcome.


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