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Uploaded: 03/08/16 1:17 PM GMT
Views: 1280
Dlds: 404
Status: active

Their faces are not very pretty but they are very friendly :)
They are my grandchildren's pet lambs (well, they are sheep now). They survived a major fire on their property when they were tiny and more recently another earthquake and they will go on surviving as long as they can graze. They will never become roast dinners, although they will loose their wool a few times.
I believe they do not realize they are sheep as they follow humans around, and the hens, or the dog.
They are standing by the fence here waiting for their evening treat. Healthy sheep food, and the occassional gingernut which they have a particular liking for and will come running if they hear the rattle of the biscuit tin. Having a sheep eat a biscuit out of my hand was quite a strange thing.
Panasonic TZ60.


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