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Uploaded: 01/10/22 10:53 AM GMT
Views: 122
Dlds: 63
Status: active

Sometimes calmness can be deceiving . . . . Everyone in our town knows that small sharks sometimes enter our beautiful little harbour but I have never heard of any attacking - until yesterday. A 13 year old girl was attacked by a 6 foot Broadnose Sevengill Shark. Fortunately she is ok - she has 52 stitches in her arm and back, not pleasant but could have been so much worse. These sharks are happy in as little as 1 metre of water and they cruise along the sea bed. They have teeth like a saw and are very very fast. The jetty on the left of this picture is popular with young people for jumping into the water and that is where this incident happened. It is the sharks' habitat and I think many of us will have a little more respect for and fear of them after yesterday.


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