
  Flocking For Fish  

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Uploaded: 11/03/08 7:43 PM GMT
Flocking For Fish
Views: 1731
Dlds: 77
Status: active

Took this image in 1989 with a £10 panoramic film camera bought at the airport on the way to Portugal. This shot was on the Costa Da Caparica, just outside Lisbon, when the birds (look like Herring gulls and Black Backed gulls) come in to feast on the surplus of excess fish floating around when the fishing nets are dragged in from the sea every evening. So if you can forgive the less than perfect quality (from the original and the scan I just did on my home scanner), which I've tried to improve on with Ninja noise reduction, saturation, histogram and sharpness alterations in PSP9 (+ film strip to emphasize it's from a film, not digital), the result might please some of you. At the time (age 15) I was over the moon with this :-). Thanks for looking!!


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