
  The Corner Post  

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Uploaded: 07/03/08 4:37 AM GMT
The Corner Post
Views: 394
Dlds: 27
Status: active

It's winter here in Australia, in some places that means things get wetter and greener but not in Canberra. It gets cold here without snowing or raining so everything dries out, which is why the grass is brown, but it's not dead, it spends three quarters of the year that colour. :) Where the UK has all those lovely stone walls or hedgerows Oz has millions of kms of these kind of wire and post fences. The wire is under great tension, so the corner posts or t-junction posts need bracing to stop the tension of the wire pulling the post out of the ground. This kind of thing is what I grew up seeing, quite different from the UK or New England in the US. I'm currently trying to develop my eye for composition, *lines in* and and all that kind thing. So this was good practice.



Canon S3IS 1/1600, f3.2.


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