
  Phalacrocorax fuscescens : Black Faced Cormorant.  

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Uploaded: 12/13/10 5:01 AM GMT
Phalacrocorax fuscescens : Black Faced Cormorant.
Views: 390
Dlds: 36
Status: active

The Black Faced Cormorant does not sit on tree branches, so I captured this one doing what comes natural to his kind. Not so common in Australia as the other cormorants I've captured, these guys are only found on the southern coasts of Australia. I captured this one on the Victorian coast. Strictly a marine and estuary fisher, you won't find this one inland. I had a hard choice to make with this image in post pro - if I wanted the bird to REALLY stand out from the rocks then I had to make the rocks dull and low contrast, but as they make up such a large ratio of the image, the effect was horrible. So I opted for plenty of colour and contrast in the rocks and just worked on the bird to give him as much detail and clarity as possible, not so bad at full size.




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