
  Abandon Hope  

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Uploaded: 10/30/11 7:14 AM GMT
Abandon Hope
Views: 441
Dlds: 41
Status: active

An office entrance shot hand held at night with the little Lumix DMC-FH2 then obsessed over in The Gimp (It's Free and Awesome.) for a couple of hours. I'm pretty sure this one won't garner a cartload of downloads. That's ok by me.

I've noted in myself that one of the temptations of being on a site like Caedes is to only post shots I think other people will like, or maybe, that I think a LOT of other people will like. Now that criterion really narrows my creative space as I like a much wider range of images than people generally do. I also like praise and approval, it's easy to let that shortchange my creative decision tree. If I take that attitude into the field it also narrows my field of view, I look in only certain places for a shot, rather than really LOOKING at what images are hiding in plain sight. Like this one. Just a bog standard small office foyer. Right? Maybe with a bit more interest in terms of light and shadow due to it being at night and the surfaces all being shiny and hard.

Do you see the lines? Do you see the visual poetry?

I almost didn't. I was looking round as I walked thru Canberra CBD after participating in the yearly "Reclaim The Night" protest march. I was looking for shots. As I passed this foyer by I scanned it, walked past then stopped and came back. Unworthily I was partly conscious of looking strange, standing on a publc path looking into a dark and empty foyer at night when all the nightlife was in the exact opposite direction, over my shoulder. I almost allowed that self consciousness to move me on. Glad I didn't. When I kept looking I stared to realize WHAT it was that caught my eye and then I took a bunch of shots, all braced against that wall on the right, trying to work out the best use of all those lines.

I like this and I suspect the longer I have it the more I'm going to like it.

Now.... anyone out there want to hazard a guess at the meaning of my title for this?




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