
  My Bengal Boy  

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Uploaded: 06/03/15 4:28 PM GMT
My Bengal Boy
Views: 383
Dlds: 197
Status: active

Many of you wanted more pictures of Donnie so here is one of him full body. This picture was taken by his previous owner. Donnie is three years old now. There are three grades of any purebred cat: Pet Quality, Show Quality and Breeder Quality. Donnie started out as a breeder quality animal. A Breeder quality Bengal will run you $3000 and up. Show quality $1200-$2000 and Pet Quality around $800 give or take. It was pure luck that I found this cat on the internet for sale to a good home at a considerable discount because for some reason he would not have anything to do with the "ladies"-probably a late bloomer but previous owner needed to get her cats bred and couldn't wait on Donnie to "wake up" so she had to have him fixed. She couldn't keep a non-productive kitty around so she began looking for a good home for him. It's very rare to find an young adult purebred for sale. Most of the time you have to buy purebreds as kittens although there are "retired breeder quality but neutered adults for sale), I didn't want to raise a kitten. I wanted a companion for my other cat (Benjamin, also 3 yrs old) and since I had always dreamed of owning a Bengal, I thought why not "kill two birds with one stone" and find a Bengal companion for Benjamin. And now you know the rest of the story. When Donnie first arrived it took me three plus months to get them to accept each other. Talk about cat fights. I thought I had made a horrible mistake. Finally, they learned to get along and are now great buddies. They groom each other, sleep together, play and wrestle all the time, etc. If you are looking for a wonderful, non shedding sweet personality type house cat, get a Bengal. (Sorry, didn't mean to write an epistle)


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