
  One is All  

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Uploaded: 07/02/15 9:15 PM GMT
One is All
Views: 1560
Dlds: 756
Status: active

The reason I never posted this before was the sheer ridiculousness of it, though that's what amuses me now. Weighted down at one end by that hulking great specimen of a spruce tree, I'm not sure how the wallpaper doesn't tip over and fall in your collective laps.

I'm writing my critique so no one else needs to, but feel free. :-)

Closely related to Farewell Halloween. (Same tree, same location, but no longer in the bloom of youth).

Dreds... sorry Creds (genuine typo):

a) Created and rendered in Bryce 6.1 (Vista, November 2010) and Bryce 7 (Snow Leopard).
b) Post-processed in Photoshop CS5 (two separate renders were combined). The two renders added up to 8.5 hours of render time; I can't remember how long it took to do the set-up... doubt if it was long, but looks as though I added a cloud of my own and pushed the moon into position -- tricky business. The Photoshop work was just an hour or two, all said and done.


I played a lot of songs during the recent re-renderings, but Navigation by OMD was definitely ... one. This is all.


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