
  Flowery Tile Thing  

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Uploaded: 07/28/15 10:51 PM GMT
Flowery Tile Thing
Views: 1773
Dlds: 855
Status: active

Apophysis and Chaotica.

This started life as a flame created from Platinus's Tiling Tutorial on DeviantArt. I laughed all the way through -- must be one of the funniest tutorials around.

I changed all the variations so it's not similar to the tutorial result. I was probably also supposed to add a final transform and create warp and perspective, but had limited success... I prefer the straight wall for the time being.

Also... though I worked through the tutorial in Apophysis, I opened it in Chaotica (the Mac gets to play, yay!) and changed the colouring and variations. Being new to Chaotica, I left it rendering far too long... six and a half days... so this is an SL 20 render (SL 14 to 16 is apparently normal).

I don't know what I think of this flame -- I suspect there are things wrong with it (user error and inexperience!)

Some colour / levels adjustment in Photoshop CS5, as well as a slightly tinted background.


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