
  Waterfall 1  

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Uploaded: 05/11/10 4:31 PM GMT
Waterfall 1
Views: 435
Dlds: 88
Status: active

I guess since I am posting this everyone will figure out that I am ok. Sadly there was loss of life in the 26 tornados that came through Oklahoma yesterday and alot of people are without homes now. It will take along time to rebuild again but if there is one thing that can be said about Okies and that is we are tough and will rebuild again and go on with our lives. I had had enough of being cooped up yesterday and had to take a picture. Something new for you guys. My wife suggested we get some shots of the clouds. I thought. I LOVE THIS WOMAN!! Well that did not happen. They came in to late and it was to dark and the storms were moving 50 miles an hour so I could not keep up anyway. What I did find was this neat little waterfall in a Christian Church camp near Tuner Falls. It was marked private property but I could see the falls right thier just inside the gate and thier were no kids in the camp so I thought " What The Heck" and went inside anyway. While I was snapping away a man did come up and ask "What are you doing?" I just kind of looked at my camera which was in plain sight and was thinking what a dumb question. Said I am taking pictures. He looks me up and down and says"Then What?" Not really knowing what he meant I said "We are going to leave" well he turned and left and I took that as a clue just to continue. This is the results. I know the water looks muddy but it is very shallow and runns pretty slowly. The falls are beautiful and this is just a little of what is to come. I hope you all enjoy it. ( By the way. 45 min after we left. A tornado come right through where we were. The church camp and I are ok)


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