
  Homeless In America II  

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Uploaded: 09/12/13 3:10 PM GMT
Homeless In America II
Views: 390
Dlds: 148
Status: active

While looking around at a Sonic that had been destroyed by a fire , Dan and I came across this bedroll of yet another homeless person. While some may choose this way of life many have been thrown into it certainly not by choice . While it is true that many have substance abuse issues as well as mental health issues , some are just down on their luck . In Baton Rouge the city has been moving the homeless out of the down town area . There's been a cry from the public to try and do more for these people , instead of taking the out of sight out of mind method . Many have odd jobs picking up trash and doing yard work only to return to what they call home to find their only possessions missing ... removed and thrown in the trash by the sanitation department . So they begin again looking for clothing and a place to lay their head at night knowing it will be gone again on any given day . While I do believe in everyone making their own way and do not believe in government hand outs at every corner I also know that we have an unemployment rate that is to high as well as out of control government spending and many people are struggling . I don't know what the answer is but I do know it is heart breaking to me when I see these people that have been thrown into this way of life with absolutely no hope for the future .


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