
  Gentle True Spirits  

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Uploaded: 03/01/20 3:08 PM GMT
Gentle True Spirits
Views: 188
Dlds: 59
Status: active

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Vicktor Emil Frankl

On a painted sky
Where the clouds are hung
For the poet's eye
You may find him
If you may find him
On a distant shore
Neil Diamond, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, Neil Diamond

Helplessly hoping
Her harlequin hovers nearby
Awaiting a word
Gasping at glimpses
Of gentle true spirit
He runs, wishing he could fly
Only to trip at the sound of good-bye
Graham Nash, Stephen Stills & David Crosby, Helplessly Hoping

Helplessly Hoping, Crosby, Stills, and Nash

How could you
You are the river
Pour out of this life
How could you
You are the morning bird
Who sang me into life every day
Fly away
You are the blood of me
The harvest of my dreams
There's nowhere I can find peace
And the silence won't cease
Nothing's quite...
Sade, Morning Bird

Morning Bird, Sade

This picture was created in Mandelbulb and PhotoShop

EDIT: Tick was right, so here's one
Eight Miles High, Byrds


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