
  Waves and Sky  

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Uploaded: 07/12/11 8:32 PM GMT
Waves and Sky
Views: 562
Dlds: 53
Status: active

Another, perhaps last, from Rhossili Bay. I usually prefer to have a strong subject for a B&W image and this struck me as being rather empty the first time through my photographs from the trip. but on second viewing I feel it has a certain quality with the two angles on the waves and the clouds in the sky.

1/250 f16 -0.7ev manual focus, aperture priority.

Post processing. stretch curves to fill range. B&W conversion using red filter (Nik Silver Efex Pro). Tweak Clouds to brighten slightly and add a touch of contrast; slight contrast tweak on forground (Nik Viveza). Touch of slightly rotated neutral filter to even out the sky a little. (Nik Color Efex pro).

It sounds like a lot of fiddling, but the changes were actually quite slight. I had to be careful to keep the touch of detail on the cliffs.


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