
  Red Mountain  

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Uploaded: 04/21/06 4:10 AM GMT
Red Mountain
Views: 3900
Dlds: 1355
Status: active

This was one of the first views going up paradise valley. we made it a very long trip by looking for the "famed' GIANT STEPS that were apparently on the map. so after skiing the ~15km in, we decided to look for them, ended up bushwacking for a while, litterally following deer trails, and skiing up uncharted streams, then down again, until we cam to this huge set of flat rocks the stepped down making what was total over 100 feet of waterfall. hence, we couldnt ski down it, so had to retrace all our steps, making for a day of skiing starting at 9, ending after 6, not including the 4 hour drive. with only 1 sandwich and 1 apple for lunch. yeah i was HUNGRY!


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