
  Filler Up, Please  

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Uploaded: 03/09/10 1:25 AM GMT
Filler Up, Please
Views: 1927
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Status: active

Well, two weeks had gone by and I was so excited to revisit the Hummer nest. So when I got to the location I immediately set up my tripod and lens. When I was finally able to look through the view finder, the nest was empty! No mom, no nothing! So I thought, she must be away. I waited and waited and still no activity. She had never left the next for more than a couple of minutes. I started thinking, what bonehead disturbed the nest? Some photogs will do anything to get a shot including disturbing the surrounding area to get close enough. Before they realize what they have done, the damage is done and the parent will not return. As far as I knew, I was the only one that knew of the nest. I made sure to keep my distance as the mother and I had come to an agreement as to what was an allowable distance. She would come and go as she pleased and I was allowed to watch and click. I would never stay too long so as not to be a distraction. I was about to leave, saddened, with the plight of the nest. Suddenly, I thought that I noticed some movement in the nest. I pointed my lens at the nest and low and behold, where there was nothing, there were two chicks. I guess that they had been down in the cup of the nest. My next thought was, Damn! Only two weeks ago the mother was sitting on eggs and now there are two half grown chicks in the nest. I was only gone two weeks (1 weekend). Things were happening fast. I went on my way with a plan to check the nest one more time on my way out. An hour had past before I got back to the nest. I set my camera up to see what was happening. Suddenly, mom had arrived back. I thought to myself, cool, I can capture her sitting on the nest with the chicks. This time when I looked through the viewfinder, low and behold, she was hosing down the chicks. This is what I got.


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