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Uploaded: 01/26/08 7:06 PM GMT
Views: 750
Dlds: 164
Status: active

Took this picture this morning. I titled it "Priviledge" because for me it is a priviledge to encounter a Fox in the wild. Last January I entered the bush at Nature Preserve early in morning and came across two Foxes...I reseached on the internet and found out that in this part of North America that they court and mate at this time...that is why I seen the two of them...they were courting. So for past week I have been looking for them as it is same time in Jan. as when I seen them last year. For two mornings this past week we had fresh snow which had fallen overnight and I came across many of their tracks but never seen a Fox till this morning...I am sure they seen me!!. Hopefully I will be priviledged to encounter them again and get better me they are a magnificient animal.


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