
  "Beneath the Detroit Airport Runways"  

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Uploaded: 07/10/15 5:12 PM GMT
"Beneath the Detroit Airport Runways"
Views: 1724
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Status: active

Took this picture of the tunnel beneath the runways at the Detroit Airport on May 25, 2015. This goes between Terminals A to B & C you have to use this tunnel.

It's really a beautiful long walk with 2 moving sidewalks in each direction. This tunnel has gorgeous dancing lights, on the glass walls & up across the ceiling to music which they keep changing colours. I just loved the green, also took lot of other shots with purples, pinks, reds, yellows and blue.

If you view in full you can see the 5 Escalators going up to Terminal A (Main Terminal), at the far end, 3 are for up traffic & 2 for down traffic. There was hardly anyone down there at the time, so I thought I'd put this into the Current Contest Emptiness, because it was pretty empty.

I'm was near the escalators up to Terminals B & C on my way home from visiting my brother in Winfield Missouri, northwest of St. Louis, Missouri. Decided to turn around and take lots of pictures of the beautiful tunnel.

Only thing I did was use Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 to bring out more detail. Used> to downsize the image.

Thank You in Advance for your gracious comments and favs.

Have a Sunny Day, ♥ Skates ♥

Will try and send out my Thanks for the comments a little later. Just finished a fun swim with our granddaughter, she loves our pool.


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