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Uploaded: 09/13/15 4:26 PM GMT
Views: 1571
Dlds: 745
Status: active

Captured this while on our family holiday in Florida just a few weeks ago. Here we are at the water park called: Disney's Blizzard Beach while our grandson was coming down the water slide in the children's area, he sure loves water.

I really liked the action of the water coming up over him and thought this might be a good one for the current contest: Action. Let me know what you think please.

Might upload another one which might work in the contest also, maybe tomorrow.

All I did was bring out more detail and enrich the colour, plus cropped it some in Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 & downsized it using

I appreciate your friendship, support and comments. Thank you so much for in Advance.

Have a wonderful day and take care my friend, ♥ Skates


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