
  Echinopsis Argentine Giant  

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Uploaded: 04/13/12 12:18 AM GMT
Echinopsis Argentine Giant
Views: 625
Dlds: 46
Status: active

I took this one at the Desert Botanical Garden, yesterday. This flower is amazing. The lens I used was the 70-200. It was hand held. Thanks in advance for any comments. Note.........the blossom was at least 8+ inches across the top. ENJOY! ........."While it is said to be a nocturnal blooming cactus with the flowers closing at early morning. On cool, cloudy days in Arizona; the flowers continue blooming during the day. Echinopsis candicans is low water use, but that does not mean it requires no water. It prefers deep infrequent irrigation and well-draining soil. Height: Height to about 3 feet. Spreading to about 7 feet. Flowers: White with yellow centers, very fragrant, up to 8 inches in diameter. Blooming Time: March - April. Segments: Green stems are stems 3 or 4 inches thick. Fruit: Purple, with a red pulp. Elevation: 0 - 2,800 Feet. Habitat: Sandy flats. Full Sun. A Xeriscape Landscape plant. Native to Argentina."


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