
  Tennessee State Flower  

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Uploaded: 03/27/15 3:14 AM GMT
Tennessee State Flower
Views: 934
Dlds: 329
Status: active

My Foofy Friday contribution is the Purple and White Iris that was photographed last summer. I have provided a bit of additional information that I researched with regard to the lovely Iris. The iris flower was named after the ancient Greek goddess Iris who was considered the God's messenger. Iris means "rainbow" in their language and was considered to be the bond between Earth and heaven. It was, therefore, viewed as a flower that was symbolic of the concept of communication. It has always been assumed that the flower on the Sphinx was an iris. There were drawings of irises discovered in Egyptian palaces because they were appreciated by the kings. They were used medicinally and to make perfume. Also, the Iris was adopted as the Tennessee state cultivated flower in 1933. Enjoy!!!! Have a great weekend!!!


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