
  Dyrholaey Fires  

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Uploaded: 09/08/06 12:38 AM GMT
Dyrholaey Fires
Views: 4996
Dlds: 1948
Status: active

This is the 10pm view from Reynisfjara beach, near Vik on Iceland's south coast, looking towards Dyrholaey, where there is a bird sanctuary and naturally formed rock arch and stacks. I'd spent a frantic afternoon running around scouting locations for later photos along this 5km stretch of coast for when the light would be right, then a frantic evening rushing between the various spots I'd picked as the sun started turning everything golden. As the sun finally sank, and I was able to turn and face the glowing sky, this was one of my picked locations, with a blazing sky as backdrop to the silhouetted Dyrholaey, and flowing seawater blurred by a 1 second exposure. I'm fairly pleased with the results...!


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