
  Osprey on the wing  

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Uploaded: 12/17/10 6:47 PM GMT
Osprey on the wing
Views: 1401
Dlds: 66
Status: active

As with almost all of my decent posts this one has a fun story behind it. Got a 3 day weekend last year at Sanabel-Captiva in the fall and I ALWAYS have my gear with me, walking the beach I spotted this osprey finishing it's evening dinner in a dead snag just off the beach. As luck almost always has it he was facing east as the sun was setting in the west, so he was almost completely shadowed. I spent nearly an hour happily snapping underexposed subject and overexposed background pix. Finally he took wing and landed briefly in the shallow surf about 50 feet from me, as he took flight directly away from me I thought "oh great, a missed opportunity" as he flew about 200 yards out into the bay he suddenly did a 180 and started back almost directly at me but slightly to my right as he closed in on the beach he gracefully wheeled and did a right to left pass a few yards in front of me. I couldn't have gotten a better opportunity if I had directed it myself. As they say "luck favors the prepared".


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