
  I miss you guys  

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Uploaded: 02/14/12 5:10 PM GMT
I miss you guys
Views: 717
Dlds: 52
Status: active

I haven't been on Caedes for awhile, I have been a regular member for 5 years and experiencing some burn out. I simply cannot think of any creative or inspiring words to leave on anyone's photo. I am sorry I have not been a better friend to everyone here is my latest story.. I just got back from Hot Springs National Park in Arkansas Saturday It was an interesting visit and learned all about the area, but in reality it's nothing special and would not recommend it as your dream summer vacation escape. but I can cross it off my National Park list which is around 80% complete. I hope to visit all the Parks before I kick the bucket. While there I split my bottom lip and spent 6 hours in the ER just for four stitches they wanted to give me a tetanus shot and blood work but I was so fed up being there so long I said forget it. So now I am stuck in the house my lip looks so ugly little children would scream and run away in fright. hugs to everyone, Diane


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